Live Awake Outdoor Circle

Weekly Circles

Topic To Be Announced

Slow down to connect and reflect with self, others, and nature. Experience movement, creative, and mindfulness practices to support personal discovery, authenticity, and living with intention. Themes and activities will include: habits to sustain oneself during school, self-awareness, journaling, creative expression, simplicity, listening to nature's guidance in living slowly, mindfully, and heartfully, body positivity, gratitude, spirituality from diverse perspectives, letting go of comparison, grounding during change and uncertainty, how to de-stress, play, meditation, mindful walking and movement, and other topics the group is interested in.

Reflection Circles are a safe space for students to connect with yourself and others in an atmosphere of respect and awakening to your authentic life through mindfulness practice, creative expression, and discussion. You are welcome to attend any week! Open to undergraduate and graduate students.


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Circle of rocks behind Hamilton Hall
  • Register to receive location updates for inclement weather and map directions to the circle of rocks

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After registering: set your e-mail to accept messages from Within one day of the start date, if you’ve not received further information, please check your spam folder.

Required Screening

To attend in-person activities, review our Screening Checklist. If you are feeling unwell or had COVID-19/exposure, please do not attend. Exception: if you were sick within the last 10 days, but your symptoms have improved for 2 days, you are welcome to attend if you wear a mask. (masks available)